I’m Jeremy Carder.
This website
This website I started in Fall 2022 but I’ve had a personal website since the start of highschool.
I didn’t have much on the website and it really didn’t serve any purpose, I just thought it was cool and a fun project to learn more about the web. This current website’s purpose is three-fold, 1. to be a place for people to contact me, 2. to be a place where I can post projects and a portfolio for potential employers and 3. to be a place where I can experiment with new web technologies.
In late January 2024, after a spur of the moment decision I decided I wanted to completely redesign the site to be more minimalist. This is the current iteration. The old website can still be viewed at
This website uses the Hugo static site generator with my own custom theme (inspired by similar minimalist themes). The site leverages GitLab’s continuous delivery pipeline so as soon as I push my changes it automatically builds the site for production and is in the production environment in about 15 seconds. The only problem with this is you can’t run any dynamic or server-side code, but that’s fine for my purposes.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my piece of the internet, see you around.